The following is Pipol Broadband’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for users of Pipol BroadbandNetwork. We reserve the right to modify this AUP at any time in our sole and absolute discretion.Changes and modifications will be effective when posted and any use of the Pipol Broadband’sNetwork after the posting of any changes will be considered acceptance of those changes.Changes to the AUP are made on a network basis, rather than a customer specific basis
Pipol Broadband network may be used only for lawful purposes. Users may not use thenetwork in order to access, transmit, distribute or store material:(a) in violation of anyapplicable law or regulation most especially RA10175 - Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012and RA10173 - Data Privacy Act of 2012; (b) in a manner that will infringe the copyright,trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights of others or the privacy, publicity orother personal rights of others; (c) that is fraudulent, obscene, all forms of pornography,defamatory, libelous threatening, abusive or hateful or contains a virus, worm, Trojan horse, orother harmful components; (d) containing fraudulent offers for goods or services or anypromotional materials that contain false, deceptive or misleading statements, claims orrepresentations; or (e) generally, in a manner that may expose Pipol Broadband or any of itspersonnel to criminal or civil liability.
Pipol Broadband takes no responsibility for any material created or accessible on or throughPipol Broadband’s Networks and Services that is not posted by or at the request of PipolBroadband. Pipol Broadband does not monitor nor exercise any editorial control over suchmaterial, but reserves the right to do so to the extent permitted by applicable law. PipolBroadband is not responsible for the content of any web sites other than Pipol Broadband’sweb sites, including for the content of web sites linked to such web sites. Links are provided asInternet navigation tools only.
It is a prohibited use of the Pipol Broadband Network to accept, transmit or distributeunsolicited bulk data (which includes, without limitation, e-mail, bulletin boards, newsgroups,software, files). The only circumstances in which the Pipol Broadband Network may be used tosend unsolicited data of an advertising or promotional nature is where the unsolicited data issent to persons with whom the sender has a pre-existing business, professional or personalrelationship or to persons who have previously indicated their consent to receive data from thesender from time to time, for example by ticking a box to that effect on the sender's web site.Unless these requirements are met, users must not send unsolicited bulk data on the PipolBroadband’s Network. If these requirements are met, the user must also provide anunsubscribe function on their web site (and make this function known to recipients in therelevant data) which allows those recipients to elect to be removed from that mailing list.
The following activities are also prohibited uses of the Pipol Broadband’s Network: (a) Sendingdata, or causing data to be sent, to or through Pipol Broadband’s Network that hides orobscures the source of the data, that contains invalid or forged headers or domain names ordeceptive addressing; (b) Receiving or collecting responses from bulk unsolicited data whetherthe original was sent via the Pipol Broadband’s Network or not or hosting a web site to whichrecipients of bulk unsolicited data are directed; (c) Relaying data from a third party's mailserver without permission or which employs similar techniques to hide or obscure the source ofthe data; (d) Collecting or harvesting screen names or e-mail addresses of others for thepurpose of sending unsolicited e- mails or for exchange; (e) Sending large or numerousamounts of data for the purpose of disrupting another's computer or account; (f) Sending datathat may damage or affect the performance of the recipient's computer;(g) Persistentlysending data without reasonable cause or for the purpose of causing annoyance,inconvenience or needless anxiety to any persons and (h) Lastly, use of torrent protocol isprohibited.
Users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the PipolBroadband’s Network, including, without limitation: (a) accessing material not intended for suchuser or logging into a server or account which such user is not authorised to access; (b)attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach securityor authentication measures without proper authorisation;(c) attempting to interfere with,disrupt or disable service to any user, host or network, including, without limitation, via meansof overloading, "flooding", "mail bombing" or "crashing"; (d) forging any TCP/IP packet headeror any part of the header information in any e- mail or newsgroup posting; and (e) taking anyaction in order to obtain services to which such user is not entitled. Violations of system ornetwork security may result in civil or criminal liability. We will investigate occurrences whichmay involve such violations and may involve, and cooperate with, law enforcement authoritiesin prosecuting Users who are involved in such violations.
Any user which we determine, in our sole discretion, to have violated any element of this PipolBroadband AUP will receive a written warning, and may be subject at our discretion to atemporary suspension of service pending such user's agreement in writing to refrain from anyfurther violations; provided, however, that if we deem it necessary, in our sole discretion, wemay immediately suspend or terminate such user's service without issuing such a warning.Users which we determine to have committed a second violation of any element of this AUPwill be subject to immediate suspension or termination of service without further notice and wemay take such further action as we solely determine to be appropriate under thecircumstances to eliminate or preclude such violation, and we will not be liable for anydamages of any nature suffered by any customer, user, or any third party resulting in whole orin part from our exercise of our rights under these policies.